bind sockets then drop privleges, passing the file descriptors to a command
git clone http://git/adrop
# adrop
Usage: ./adrop {OPTIONS} [SOCKETS..] -- [COMMAND..]
Bind sockets then drop privileges, passsing the file descriptors to COMMAND.
Quick examples:
Bound ports with positional arguments:
sudo ./adrop -u www-daemon -g www --respawn 80 443 \
-- node server.js --http-fd={} --https-fd={}
Bound ports with named arguments:
sudo ./adrop -u email:email imap_plain=143 imap_ssl=993 smtp0=25 smtp1=587 smtp2=2525 \
-- ./smtp --smtp-plain={smtp0},{smtp1},{smtp2} \
--imap-plain={imap_plain} --imap-ssl={imap_ssl}
Bound ipv4 and ipv6 ports with indexed arguments:
sudo ./adrop -u xyzw [::1]:700 \
-- python --ipv4_fd={0} --ipv6_fd={1}
-h --help
Print this message and exit.
Print the version number of this software and exit.
-u USER, --user=USER
Call setuid() with USER as an id or name.
Call setuid() with USER and setgid() with GROUP, both as an id or name.
-g GROUP --group=GROUP
Call setgid() with GROUP as an id or name.
-r --respawn
When COMMAND terminates, run the COMMAND again.
-q --quiet
Suppress output when a process exits in respawn mode.
-d DELAY --delay=DELAY
Wait DELAY seconds between retries when --respawn is given. Default: 1.0
Set an environment variable KEY as VALUE when executing COMMAND.
-E --preserve-env
Pass through all environment variables to COMMAND.
By default, no environment variables are passed through.
Each SOCKET is of the form:
HOST:PORT bind tcp port with explicit AF_INET or AF_INET6 address
PORT bind tcp port on
HOST:uPORT bind udp port with explicit AF_INET or AF_INET6 address
uPORT bind udp port on
/PATH AF_UNIX tcp socket with absolute path
./PATH AF_UNIX tcp socket with relative path
udp:/PATH AF_UNIX udp socket with absolute path
udp:./PATH AF_UNIX udp socket with relative path
Each SOCKET may be prepended by "KEY=" for a named "{KEY}" instead of
a positional substitution in COMMAND.
To provide multiple HOST addresses for the same PORT, provide HOST:PORT
pairs multiple times with the same PORT, one for each HOST.
COMMAND is a program to execute with a list of arguments:
COMMAND will be run via exec() to take over file descriptors after running
setuid() and/or setgid() or via fork() if --respawn is used.
The COMMAND string may contain the special string "{}" which will be
replaced with the corresponding file descriptor for SOCKET in the order
provided in the SOCKETS section, left to right.
You can also use {N} to get at the Nth (starting from 0) file descriptor
or {KEY} to get at a socket with a name given by KEY=.